Lens on Leadership
Two-minute tips for leaders on how to create the types of vision, plan, and culture that will move the needle for your mission.
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Your Open Door Policy Isn’t Working – Do This Instead
"Open doors" are a passive approach to feedback. Instead, proactively gather honest input from your team – and act on it – to build trust, increase engagement, and improve results.
Do You Need a Strategy…or Something Else?
Strategies solve many problems. But not all. Be careful not to apply that solution when the challenge is really a specific issue, a program decision, or a functional gap.
Increase Capacity by Stepping Back, Not Stepping In
Leaders who constantly jump in to solve problems undermine team growth and burn themselves out. True leadership impact comes from strategic restraint that empowers others.
Lessons from a Hedgehog: Narrow Your Scope to Expand Your Impact
Applying the "hedgehog concept" - organizing around a single, clear, core competency - is key to unleashing your organization's potential mission impact.
5 Reasons your Strategy Stalled Out – and How to Jump Start It
It's frustrating when strategies don't yield results. Restore the value of yours by diagnosing why it stalled out and adjusting it to get your team on board.
Be Bold with Your Vision
Your vision is a vehicle for motivating your team, driving positive change, and ultimately achieving more for your mission. Don’t miss the opportunity with a run-of-the-mill vision. Be bold.
Your Workplace could use More Love
We don’t usually talk about love in the workplace. But love is essential to unleashing the full potential, passion, and commitment of the people attached to your mission.
Overcome 5 Lies about Admitting Mistakes
You might avoid admitting a mistake for many reasons. Most of those reasons, though, do more harm to you and your team than good.
Change Habits through Addition, not Subtraction
It is incredibly hard to change a habit by trying to do less of (or stop doing) something. Focus instead on instilling new, beneficial behaviors.
5 Ways to Overcome the Paralysis of Uncertainty
By clearly communicating your path, your guiding principles, your assumptions, and your backup plans, you will inspire confidence and trust – even amidst withering uncertainty.
You Have a Strategy! …Now What?
The work of change does not stop at strategy. Implement these key techniques to help your team effectively implement long-term initiatives.
Empathy is Dangerous
Empathy is often difficult and can feel downright dangerous. But without it, you risk undercutting your own ideas and opportunities to win over others and grow.
Change is Hard. Why do it?
Change can be daunting, costly, and energy-sapping. But it may also be necessary, or too beneficial to ignore. Here are three indicators that it's time to embrace change.
5 Ways to Regain Productivity when you Feel Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed kills your productivity. It’s hard to know where to start or to focus once you do. Use these tips to get back on track - and regain your energy.
Are You Heading in the Right Direction?
Successful strategies don’t remain static forever. Regularly monitoring outcomes will tell you if your plan is on the right track or if you need to shift course to reach your destination.
5 Immediate Benefits of Strategy (Not Just in 5 Years)
While the primary goal of strategic planning is to set your organization up for long-term success, you can leverage several the benefits from that process immediately.
Was That Really an Overreaction?
If you catch yourself thinking, “That was an overreaction,” invite a bit of doubt. Try not to take their words or actions personally, at least not until you’ve explored what else might be going on.
Don’t Let Uncertainty Become Despair
Stress about uncertain outcomes can lead to feeling hopeless. Instead, give space for your emotions, recognize what you can control, and make a plan for what you cannot.
Leadership is Scary. Don’t Go it Alone.
Having trusted, neutral advisers to turn to is essential for your mental health, for making effective decisions, and for keeping your passion intact.
What Message is Your Event Sending?
Leverage events to communicate your organization’s identity, the scope of the need, the real work you do, the real people you serve, and opportunities to support your future direction.