Don’t Let Uncertainty Become Despair
November 7, 2024 | By David M. Wagner
Don’t Let Uncertainty Become Despair
I’ll be blunt: if you happen to share my values, the result of this week’s U.S. presidential election is cause for alarm.
I fear that this outcome will negatively affect countless lives – not to mention those of many people I personally know and care about.
On reflection, I realize that my fear is exacerbated by uncertainty.
I don’t really know what will happen next. And so I fear the worst.
Unfortunately, uncertainty is a regular occurrence in leadership.
It can be a precursor to despair – the loss of all hope.
But it doesn’t have to be.
If you feel yourself starting to give up hope in the face of this week’s events or any other situation that has an unknown outcome, here are three steps to take to prevent your uncertainty from becoming despair.
Make Space for Emotions
Fear. Distress. Confusion. Anger.
Whatever you’re feeling, allow yourself (and the people you care about) to experience those feelings.
Acknowledge how difficult this time is.
Get specific: name your feelings (including any specific fears) and the impact they're having on you right now.
Create space for stepping away from non-urgent tasks if it helps. (Although you may find the distraction is welcome.)
Acknowledging your emotions will help prevent them from leaking out later unintentionally. And tending to your needs will put you in a better position to lead.
Recognize What You Can Control
Uncertainty is so stressful partly because we cannot control certain outcomes.
You may not be able to do anything to change the circumstances in which you find yourself.
You can, however, control your responses to what happens. And try to influence the responses of others.
Consider what you can control, what you can influence, and what lies beyond both your control and influence.
For eventualities that fall within that last category…
Plan Your Response
What are the negative outcomes that could affect you or your mission?
Then decide: if the worst should happen, what will you do?
What steps can you take to protect yourself and the people and causes you care about?
What better alternatives can you help create?
How could you mobilize yourself, your team, and others to influence future circumstances?
Even when things feel helpless, there is always something to be done – even if that’s just self-preservation.
If you’re feeling down right now, I’m right there with you. I’m sorry for how difficult this time is. When you’re ready, there’s plenty of work to be done. Control the things you can. For everything else, make a plan to act – and turn your uncertainty into motivation rather than despair.
Whatever challenges you’re facing, it can help to have someone in your corner. I offer one-on-one coaching and targeted issue processing as well as facilitating strategic planning. Set a free consultation to get started on controlling the things you can.