Get Unstuck: From Roadblocked to Resolved

August 29, 2024 | By David M. Wagner

It’s no fun feeling stuck – whether that’s because there’s a problem you can’t solve, a daunting challenge, or some circumstance that you know needs to change, but you’re not sure how or where to start.

And sometimes those thorny issues seem to grow on their own. If nothing else, they consume so much of your background mental energy that it’s a distraction from your mission.

You feel roadblocked.

A woman sits on the edge of a cliff with an open door positioned on an opposite cliff separated by a chasm

It can be a huge relief just to have a plan to get around that roadblock – knowing what initial steps to take toward resolution, even if the journey will take a while.

Over the past three weeks, I’ve introduced three essential steps for getting unstuck:

  1. Get to the heart of the underlying issues (so you know where to focus your energy).

  2. Envision what the future will look like when the issue is resolved (so you can identify helpful changes).

  3. Identify a realistic first move toward resolution (to start bringing about the changes you desire).

I’ve offered tips for how you can navigate your thorniest challenges to get unstuck on your own.

Sometimes, though, you need a helping hand – an unaffected party who can help you view the issue, and your options, in a new light.

After all, “it’s hard to read the label from inside the jar.”

The Value of an Outside Perspective

That’s when it helps to have someone from outside your challenge assist you to gain a new perspective.

This is the benefit of working with a coach, therapist, instructor, or consultant.

An independent guide can help by:

  • Reframing your challenges. When you spend all day fighting the symptoms of a problem, it can be harder to see the root cause. A guide can identify patterns and similarities to others’ problems that may point to the underlying issues.

  • Introducing new possibilities. When you’re used to doing things a certain way, or encountering familiar obstacles when you try to introduce changes, injecting some fresh ideas can open the floodgates of novel possibilities.

  • Suggesting a starting point. It can be daunting to decide where to even begin when you recognize the scope of changes you’d like to achieve. An experienced guide can advise you on what has worked for others and what steps are likely to provide the biggest bang for your buck.

An experienced outsider can get you unstuck much faster!

Introducing Roadblocked to Resolved

And that was my motivation in creating Roadblocked to Resolved.

If you find yourself stuck with a frustrating issue of strategy, leadership, or organizational culture, I’ll help you build a path to resolution – so you can get unstuck and back to focusing on your mission.

In just one day, I will guide you through my three steps to getting unstuck.

Come with your thorniest challenge.

Leave with a targeted plan of action.

If you’re ready to get unstuck and back to your mission, check out more about Roadblocked to Resolved or meet with me to get started.

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